Saturday, 22 May 2010

Music Therapy

Music Therapy

Listening to music can help you reduce stress. You can see when you listen to the music you always feel comfortable and relax. Scientists conduct researches and find that music can control brainwaves and alert your imagination. In hospital they use music therapy to heal crazy people or who have brain damage. However music can heal your body and you're mild in difference ways.

Thailand Music Therapy Forum

Treatment by music therapy

Wednesday, 5 May 2010


Marketing strategy is a method that allows organization to created a thing that has limited resources on the good opportunities to increase sales such as they use advertising to promote their goods. Usually they use a famous person to show their product such as Pepsi. They use famous football player to attract their customer.

In my opinion, if you would like to be successful in your business, you should have a good marketing plan. Firstly, you have to know what you would like to sell. Then you do the market research on the target customers. After that, you direct advertising and promote your product. Finally, you collect the feedback and improve it.

In every business there is some kind of marketing map like this.


More information about marketing

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

The value of summary exercise to each other

My Policy is “Learn how to speak and summarize them.”

How do I communicate with other people? I think that summary exercise to each other is very interesting and exciting because I gained more knowledge and received new vocabularies of meanings, parts or speech, spelling and pronounciation. In addition, my friends and I are always summary about my article and what did we do on vacation. I thought that it‘s very hard to me for describing to my classmates. However, it made me exchange knowledge to other people. I like to speak English because I love English and I want to have my own business connecting between other countries so I will study and discuss in summary exercise that can help me to understand them.